Meet our team

Justin gillespie


Justin is one of those rare commodities, you know, not originally from Raleigh either. He was born in a small town in Southern Indiana, but mainly grew up in Tennessee. Justin also had an interesting upbringing, he's a preacher's kid!  But not just any preacher's kid, one who had seasons in life of not acting like it. Justin is married to a woman who he met in youth group and has a son and 2 girls. One of his main sayings is, 'we're all in the same boat.'  This is in reference to life, we all have our pasts, our mistakes, our failures, so let's work through them together and let Jesus do what Jesus does...heal our sin and our trauma, even if we were the cause. Contact Justin at

Wally moore

associate pastor/elder

Wally grew up in a rural town right outside Roanoke, Virginia, but don't ask him about football, fixing cars, or hunting-- he's not going to know anything about it. He is a strange combination of The Andy Griffith Show and Star Trek and enjoys the nerdy things of life. Wally has spent time as a barista, in hospital chaplaincy, and now in home inspection aside from serving in church ministry. He believes that following Jesus is so worth the cost and that walking alongside others as they learn to follow him is a great privilege. Contact him at wally@northraleigh.churchAnd yes, Wally's full first name really is just Wally. 

Elizabeth babitz

worship director

Elizabeth is the youngest of 8 children and grew up singing around the piano with her brothers and sisters. Her debut song was , “These Boots Are Made For Walking” at the age of 3. She truly believes in using Romans 4:17 to “call things that are not as though they were!” Elizabeth has 2 daughters after being told by doctors she would never have children. She also used faith to find NRCC, she prayed for a church and started driving until she landed in the parking lot. She enjoys traveling, shopping, live events, football, concerts, musicals and of course WWE. Elizabeth praises the Lord for the opportunity to serve our North Raleigh community through worship. Contact Elizabeth at

Samantha shanks

kids director

Samantha grew up in northern Michigan and moved to Raleigh in 2017. As the daughter of the piano player of a small church, she grew up going to church and was at the building most every time it was open. She was heavily involved in her youth group growing up and enjoyed playing on the youth worship band. Samantha is married to her husband Cameron who loves to build computers, and she has three awesome girls who love Jesus. Her hobbies include playing music, playing soccer, and drinking coffee. Contact Sam at

erica fulcher


Erica is from North Carolina originally, but also lived in the midwest for a while. She was excited to return to North Carolina, where she is now raising her two daughters with her husband, Jonathan/Jon/Fulche. They enjoy exploring the beaches and the mountains of NC together, and truly can't decide which they love more! Erica worked in public accounting for years, and continues to do this kind of work seasonally, on a contract basis. She also spends time working with our schools to help bridge the significant resources gap. Erica was never planning to be on a church staff, but God is showing her that His plan is greater! She believes we all have a purpose in building God's kingdom, and it brings such joy when you step into the gifts you have that God can use in that purpose. Contact Erica at